To create a truly believable and memorable tribute act, both vocal and instrumental sounds must be replicated to the finest detail. It is this attention to detail, that have made Beach Boyz Tribute Band the popular attraction they are today.
From the early songs of surf and sports cars to the more sophisticated sounds of recording projects like Pet Sounds, the Beach Boys® music was the soundtrack to a whole generation of young people, not just in the United States but worldwide. The five members of Beach Boyz Tribute Band all share a passion for The Beach Boys® music, enjoying material, both from the early sixties and the later years. Delivering the songs that everyone knows and loves, from the finesse and sheer beauty of God Only Knows to the pulsating masterpiece Good Vibrations, Beach Boyz Tribute Band deliver a live performance that reflects both their enthusiasm for their work and mastery of a genre of music that is generally accepted as being both complicated and difficult to perform live.
A truly great show...ideal in theatres, festivals and clubs
As Seen on BBC TV's "The One and Only" Joanna Berns IS Cher!
A fantastic, fun, talented and live Abba Tribute Band
A true reproduction of the international star : Barbra Streisand
One constant ball of fire .. Nicola Marie IS Lady Gaga !
The World's First & Original Tribute Band to the Black Eyed Peas.
Most recently Moni has appeared on the BBC hit show The One...